

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The January Sales.. It's Time to Treat Yo'Self!

Back to normality? Pfft, not without these goodies!

So, with December coming to a close over the weekend, the January sales are well and truly underway. This means that, not only has a new excuse arisen to treat yourselves (as if we needed another!), but that it is also time to start thinking about those New Year’s resolutions and what destinations they will take you to! With that in mind we thought that we would give you a rundown of 5 travel goodies to pick-up this sale season!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and tumblr for all the latest goings on and let us know what your travel essentials are!

Not even a gloomy Hangzhou sky could ruin your holiday with these in your bag! 

4-Way USB Charger

Let's face it, we would be lost without our gadgets. While travellers of years passed would have panicked as they realised their only map had just been torn to shreds in their rucksack, our generation reserve that kind of reaction for when the warning, 5% battery left* notification pops up on our phones. This is especially troubling while abroad as, not only are our phones both a map and a source of information, but there is often a worrying scarcity of plugs to charge them at. This is where this little gem comes in. Having bought one for the Camino de Santiago where there is usually about 1 socket for every 15 people, it has quickly become my go-to charger, allowing me to charge up to 4 things at once through its various inputs and hey, don't need all 4? Offer one up to a fellow traveller and save them the heart attack the next day!

Can you imagine not having enough battery to take shots of sights like these?

Spotify Premium

Okay so you've got your gadgets charged up, now all you have to do is survivor that bus/ train/ plane ride, and here's where Spotify comes in. With the removal of ads and the ability to download playlists to your phone to be able to be played offline, not only guarantees to brighten up your journeys, but allows you to brighten up any day by providing the soundtrack to your adventure. Get bored of your songs? That's fine, just check in at a Wi-Fi hotspot and download a tonne more. Just try not to get too distracted and nearly miss your flight (we are urm totally not speaking from experience…).

Artwork works best with good company

Foldable raincoat

We all love to think that our travels are going to contain nothing but sunshine but, well unfortunately, rain is a bit of a thing. Despite this however we here at latte wanderer often forgot to pack a raincoat, opting to hope for the best than prepare for the worst (well that and we could just never find the space in our bag after fitting that second fancy shirt, just in case…). That was until we picked up one of these raincoats. Thin enough to fold into any space in your bag yet waterproof enough to protect you from the rain, coats such as these are sure to keep you out and about while the weather stands against you.

Not even the rain can keep you away

As with the USB charger, this one is relevant to everyone as, no matter where you’re staying, you can always do with a towel. After all, according to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “a towel is the most important item a Hitchhiker can carry” (wow, we feel old right now)! However, unlike their cumbersome equivalents, these towels are both lightweight and able to fit into any small gap that may exist in your bags. Add to that their uncanny ability to dry in a matter of minutes and you have a perfect companion for any hiking trip or holiday where you may be taking your own!

Okay so with the towel, raincoat, charger and Spotify sorted you are now ready to go on an adventure. You’re prepared for poor weather, limited accommodation and troubling days which leaves only one thing... going online. While we love the feeling of checking out of reality while away from home, there are moments where an internet connection is needed (and not just to make friends jealous with your Instagram pictures)! With public Wi-Fi often tough to find and usually unreliable, Skyroam is a viable alternative. With pricing around $8 for a 24hr day-pass that provides an unlimited and secure internet connection, Skyroam promises to keep you connected throughout your journey as and when you need it.

Some pictures you just want to share ASAP

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